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COVID vaccine passport may implemented in Ontario

Ontario: Provinces like British Columbia, Quebec have already declared the implementation of COVID vaccine passport as a proof for the individuals who wish to attend any social event, public conferences, fitness centers etc.

However, Doug Ford, premier of Ontario had previously said that he did not want any COVID vaccine passport in his province as it will split the society. Now, everything is unlocked in Ontario, businesses get started again, schools are preparing to open for Fall. At this stage, any negligence would take the province into the fourth wave of virus which could worse the situation. The health officials of Ontario have suggested that there is need of vaccine passport that could allow people to attend the weddings, public conferences, fitness centers and many more social events.

The concept behind vaccine passport is to stop the spread of Delta variant of virus and it will allow only those individuals to attend such events. Moreover, it will encourage those who still hesitate to take vaccine and in any way such people must attend these types of events which in turn require the vaccine passport to enter in any public event.

The implementation of vaccine passport will be discussed on Tuesday in the cabinet where it is assumed that some ministers will oppose this while some are in support.